
Sambar pocket knife by Dwight Towell

Sambar pocket knife by Dwight Towell
  • Sambar pocket knife by Dwight Towell
  • Sambar pocket knife by Dwight Towell
  • Sambar pocket knife by Dwight Towell
  • Sambar pocket knife by Dwight Towell
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Custom knife by Towell.
Most of you are probably familiar with the classic work of long time Master Dwight Towell, but you may not know that he is a long standing member of the prestigeous Art Knife Invitational (AKI)

Folding knife by Dwight Towell
Lock-back system.
416 stainless steel frame with sambar
ATS 34 stainless steel blade.
Overall length: 180mm.
Blade length: 75mm.
Handle length: 100mm.
Weight: 110g.